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Comments (4)

Michals - 22 July 20:53

Choisissez vous-meme celui dont vous avez besoin dans la liste des profils prostituees a Chamalieres.

Petta - 18 May 07:37

Passez à.

Vanleuven - 21 January 06:27

If I have a preference for black women, I don't necessarily think black women are superior to women of other races, even when talking about perceived attractiveness. Just because I find a certain skin color more attractive (and the features that typically accompany it), doesn't mean I believe they are objectively more attractive. If I thought black women are more attractive than white women only because black women's traits are superior to those of white women, then I would be exhibiting racist behavior.

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Belia - 9 September 04:23

We are the authors of words, not slaves to them.

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