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Comments (5)

Jose - 4 November 21:08

Adore, aime caresser son corps. Appelez-moi, passer des heures seul avec vous, mais l’un comme triste.

Lacaze - 19 April 02:10

The Romagna campaign of a significant military encounter. These rules meant that a condottiere commander waited for the opposing general to make the first move; battle was rare and usually occurred after a formal challenge given and accepted, when each side judged victory was certain, usually because of a presumed military superiority.

Candie - 22 November 17:50

That was HOT! Hell I'd like to meet and fuck her to!!!

Kuo - 7 February 03:44

Are you fucking ding me??? That woman with THAT ugly bald?? Vomit!!

And the ugly is giving himself a medal for licking her 'like a pro'??

Oh how easily (and undeservedly) men give themselves 'hero' status.