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Comments (9)

Oropeza - 14 May 08:25

Sexuel et appetissant, brillant apparence. Je ferai tout au plus haut niveau et je satisferai meme le plus hardcore hommes.

Donte - 11 July 14:41

Depuis vendredi, Mahmoud n'a pas quitté la place Tahrir… des yeux. Affalé sur un canapé dans l'hôtel miteux où il est employé, ce jeune Egyptien vit la révolution par procuration, à travers la lucarne.

Wm - 16 March 20:17

I love giving hugs as a way of greeting and saying goodbye to people. I suppose my rule of thumb would be if it's the first time I am meeting someone, then I give a handshake. If this person is a partner of one of my friends, or if I plan on seeing them again and forming some kind of relationship, then I will give them a hug goodbye. I will then hug them as a greeting any other time after that.

Keeney - 20 August 19:56

aku suka susu mu masio gede siji

Hans - 20 January 21:39

anyone knows the video with the blonde? pleease