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Comments (4)

Farwick - 11 August 05:34

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Belia - 17 May 19:42

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Emmanuel - 22 May 12:16

Two examples of where the seriousness has been misplaced and where laughing about it has made it so much more enjoyable are the accidental slip out or woops, wrong hole moments.

Meaghan - 27 May 21:48

I'm 26 and female. After I orgasm, my clitoris is sore to the touch and very sensitive. This is called the refractory period, right? I've never heard of this happening in girls, though. Is this normal?

Kathlyn - 3 March 11:42

2. I thought, That's kind of a weird belt. Oh well, whatever.

Johnny - 20 February 20:13

I want to see girls caning men.