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Comments (4)

Tolar - 14 September 17:58

Arrete mes photos, doute, craignons. Ici ne pas oublier reflechir, conseiller simplement telephoner et passer agreablement nuit, plaisir je fournirai!

Rohan - 7 November 15:10

Cama e pequeno almoco com hammam ille et vilaine: Relais-hote.

Baggott - 24 July 18:40

NO! NO! NO! In the two decades from then my entire perception of pain was so skewed that I couldn't use a pain scale properly. If the 'normal pain of my cramps was so normal, than clearly it couldn't be greater than a 3 or 4, right? It wasn't until I started pursuing a hysterectomy in search or some relief from the pain and came across a symptomatic pain scale that I realized that pain to the point of vomiting wasn't a 3 or 4, but closer to an 8!

Horacio - 6 December 03:57

So amusing